Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday morning July 14

Last night was by far the best night we have had seen Tuesday night(which of course was at home). Jackson stayed very stable all night, Caroline slept over 8 hours, and DeWayne slept about 8 hours as well. We really think the sleep will help all of us because we are running a marathon not a sprint and we have a long ways to go (ok it really maybe longer than a marathon more like a 50k or an ironman but you get the picture).  

We are planning to spend our morning just relaxing until First Baptist starts online at 10:50 and we will be able to be at church from Shands! How great is technology:-). 

Please pray we continue to have an uneventful day. Tomorrow is our next goal and we are keeping our eyes on the prize! 

Love to all,

DeWayne, Caroline, and Jackson 


  1. Praying the Lord completely heals this situation!!! Praying for sweet Jackson and you, Caroline.

    By His stripes, we are already healed!
    Isaiah 53:5
    But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
    the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.

    Prayers that sweet Jackson stays put until October and that He is COMPLETELY healed from CDH! With God, anything is possible!!


  2. Is there anyway in a non-creepy way I can get your last name and/or address I can send you something! You can email me back (email is on my blog) Thanks!

  3. Caroline thank you so much for your kind words! I am emailing you right now:-)
